EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment

High potential leaders have a significant impact on an organization’s bottom-line, which is why leadership development is so critical for businesses large and small.  But how do you decide what your employees need in order to be more effective leaders?  

EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment is a customizable 360-degree feedback process that enables you to measure your employee’s leadership and soft skill proficiency, and use that information for both individual and organizational improvement.


What sets EvaluSkills apart?   

  • Results you can trust:  The EvaluSkills survey questions include specific behaviors with each skill or trait, which means feedback is objective and consistent.

  • Customizable to your unique needs:  Create your own survey questions or choose from our database that includes more than 300 different soft skills.  

  • Easy to use:  Manage your own assessments through the EvaluSkills Client Portal.  Employees manage the evaluation process through their own dashboard.

  • Drives individual and company-wide performance improvements:  Comprehensive reports for both the individual as well as the group of your employees provide you with the tools to understand where improvement is needed, and the importance of building upon their strengths.

  • Actionable feedback:  Participant reports include an Action Plan that highlights strengths, notes weaknesses, and provides a system for accountability. 

For more information on how EvaluSkills can enhance your workplace, contact us at 307-685-1555 or by e-mail at Info@PeregrineGlobal.com

Each of the principals at Peregrine Leadership has experience in designing, selecting, administering, and implementing 360° surveys and conducting a leadership assessment program. We have also been both participants in similar assessments and the assessed individual leadership. Our team has a valuable depth of experience in one-on-one coaching/mentoring and helping leaders develop a specific leadership development plan. 


Based on the assessed participant report, leaders who use Peregrine's customizable EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment service are able to:

  • Build a specific leadership development plan. 
  • Understand their specific leadership strengths and how to sustain and build upon those strengths. 
  • Gain clarity on specific leadership challenges and how to improve. 
  • See themselves from the perspectives of their co-workers.
  • Develop an action plan to address opportunities for growth and improvement.  

Based on an organizational summary of the results, human resource managers were able to:

  • Develop specific strategies for leadership development based on identified issues and needs. 
  • More effectively allocate training resources. 
  • Identify and solve systemic issues in the workplace. 

Peregrine's EvaluSkills service allows both the individual participant and the organizational leaders to understand leadership strengths and opportunities for improvement from the perspectives of those who matter most. 

The EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment service is priced at $199 per assessed participant.  Quantity discounts are available.  For more information on how EvaluSkills can enhance your workplace, call 307.685.1555 or email us at info@peregrineglobal.com.

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